Renewal Cares


  • Renewal by Andersen a Yellow Ribbon Company
    On Nov. 6, Andersen earned the status of becoming a Yellow Ribbon Company, paving the way for an expanded focus on supporting our service members, veterans and their loved ones. Minnesota Military Radio Hour host Tom Lyons recently hosted Paul Delahunt, president of Renewal by Andersen, and Missy Smutny, HR director for Renewal. The program asked Andersen’s leaders about the journey to become a Yellow Ribbon Company. As executive sponsor of our new Veteran and Military employee resource network, Paul shared stories from Andersen’s history of supporting the armed forces and how the company’s recent initiatives help us evolve from a “military friendly” to “military focused” company. Missy, a veteran of the Minnesota National Guard and founding member of the Veteran and Military ERN, spoke about the Yellow Ribbon process and creating a road map to further make Andersen a special place to work for our veterans and military families.